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Emergence User: Sabrina L. Greene

Sabrina L. Greene is an emerging painter in the portrait world and created her first portraits of her children three years ago. Today she is continuing her studies by practicing faces in Corel and traditional media.

“I was recently told by someone that if I can get painting faces down pat, I can paint anything. And this year I decided it was time to get serious about my art studies. But sometimes a face needs something to help it ‘meet’ the background. I knew as soon as I installed these brushes that I wanted to create some backgrounds with them like this one.”

In this piece, Sabrina used Emergence to create a subtle texture behind her study of model Shelby Lynn. I asked Sabina what she likes most about these brushes since she purchased them.

“The embedded textures make creating a background so easy! And I love how soft they can become for slow building up of color. Then again if I want to create something bold, I can build it as quickly! At the moment my favorite brush is the combination of Arabia Texture + Flower Aperture + 40 or 60 Spacing. I can mesmerize myself with just pushing the paint around and watching it. I really look forward to seeing what I can create with the many different settings!”

You can see more of Sabrina’s art and photography at her website, sabrinalgreene.co